Exhibit A - Token Copycat
One of the ways to increase the odds of your rugpull being succesfull is to use expected coin releases. In the early days of VSC, Conan was one of them. As time was coming closer and closer to the release of this coin, you could use the VSC explorer to see new coins with name CONAN (HERO) being released. At the time, the contract address of the upcoming coin was not known. Considering how much hype was build shortly before the release, people were ready to put their VSG into this coin the instant it was released.
So, naturally, when a coin named the same went out, people wanted to get ahead and be first to buy them, only to find out, this was a copycat created by person with malicious intent.
Shortly after, any copycat that gained traction had liquidity pulled out before you blinked.

Always make sure you have the correct contract address, from a verified source!!!